Another cool template from
Via Posillipo 69/26
80123 Naples, Italy
mobile: +39 333-8852393
Since every project is different, don’t hesitate to contact me, so we can discuss your needs based on the type of requirements you have.
I offer very competitive rates for an extremely professional mastering service, and I will do revisions until you are satisfied.
I’ll need to know how many tracks the project has, the sequencing, if you have alternate or instrumental tracks, or do you want to send in stems. Do you need a CD Master or DDP sent to you or can I upload you the .wav files. Will you need ISRC codes?
For my online mastering service, I require full payment before sending out the master.
I accept payments by cash, bank transfer or PayPal (add 4% per transaction); so contact me for the details. If you are to do a revision of the mix once I finish, we will discuss the extra cost.